Friday, February 13, 2009

She's Rollin'

It was an exciting day at the Weaver household yesterday. Eliana rolled for the first (and second, and third, and hundredth) time! It was her favorite toy of the moment, her ducky, that was the incentive. Take a look at how Ellie feels about the duck below:

Ellie's been trying to roll for about 2 weeks now. Yesterday, Joe was playing with her on the floor and, all of a sudden, she just popped over! She looked really surprised (Well, maybe it was our cheering that surprised her.), but then she immediately rolled over again. Now as soon as we put her down on her back, she rolls.
I was so happy that Ellie chose to hit this milestone on a Friday when Joe was not working, so we were both able to see it happen. I'm not sure why I feel like I have done something wonderful, but I do.
Take a few seconds to see this very impressive achievement for yourself:

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