And loads of it!-
With one exception, all these photos were taken this morning within about five minutes. I love it! Don't you just wonder what is going through her mind?
We've had a very busy week. Sorry I missed updating the blog on Monday. I've just been swamped. Here's the news:
On Monday Eliana had her 4 month pediatrician appointment. She is now 19 pounds, 5 ounces and 26 inches long. She is over the 1ooth percentile for both height and weight, but the doctor isn't concerned since they are about equal. In other words, she's proportionate. We are still not to start her on any solid foods yet, since she's growing just fine. ;-) We both had to endure another round of vaccines. We both did better than the first time. Ellie made it through the first shot without crying, but the second and third ones did her in. I managed all three! What a big girl I am now. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of one of the vaccines, and my doctor was out. That means we have to go next week for one more shot! UGH!
I had my 33rd birthday (Can that be right?) on Wednesday. The celebrations began last Saturday, actually. My brother, Jim, and Mel and the boys came and watched Ellie while Joe and I went out to Texas Road House on a gift certificate from them for Christmas. It felt so strange to be out without Eliana, but it was very nice.
Wednesday was a great day. My mom came up to watch Eliana during one of my online meetings. Then she went and picked up Applebees for lunch. Yum! Joe, Ellie and I celebrated the evening with a trip to Damon's for ribs and a stroll around the mall. You can tell that I work from home and don't get out much when I actually wanted to walk around the mall for fun. I used to avoid it like the plague!
Anyway, we are getting together with my side of the family to celebrate my birthday tomorrow after church and then Joe's family is coming down next Sunday to party. All in all, I've managed to squeeze about a month out this this birthday. Not bad! (I've been a bit scared to look at the scale, however. Did you count how many mega-meals I've had? Yikes!)
Well, I'd better get some work down while Ellie is still sleeping.