It was a strange thought to think that this might be our last Saturday without a child to take care of! So, what did we do? First and foremost, we slept in! I think we lazed about until about 9:30 a.m. Those days are almost over. Then we went to Sugarcreek to have the breakfast buffet at Dutch Valley. YUM! After that, I was so tired from the effort that I took a nap until 3:00 p.m. Nights have been wearing on me. I'm up every hour, so it was nice to grab a few extra hours during the day today. After the nap, Joe and I scrubbed the carpets one last time before the baby arrives. Then we watched The Happiest Baby on the Block. I don't know if the 5 techniques will work as well as they appear to, but I'm willing to give them a try! Joe took notes while I practiced the swaddling. Check out the fruits of my labor:

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