Join us for a quick look at what's going on at the Weaver household.
So, what are we doing to celebrate this eventful year? Red Lobster! YUM! Mom is coming to watch Eliana, and Joe and I are going to sit down to our first quite meal alone together since she was born. I can hardly wait! Start the 5 hour countdown......NOW!
This is my first goal. Very doable.
Just over a pound a week
Ask me about my progress.
Keep me accountable.
And you thought you hated Mondays.
Ellie started her week with three shots at 9 a.m. Wow, that was rough. A split second before the first shot, Ellie flashed me the biggest smile. It was enough to tear my heart out. Mercifully, the actual shots took less than 30 seconds. The nurse who administered them was great. She gave them and then practically ran out of the room to leave me with Ellie. That's kind for weeping mothers who don't want to make fools of themselves. I was so proud of Ellie, though. She stopped crying in less than two minutes. She is sleeping on my chest now. I'm not sure who is comforting who . :-)
In lighter pediatrician news, Ellie is now 24 inches long and 15 pounds 9 ounces! The first thing Dr. Bhairappa said when he came in was, "Now, how tall is her daddy?" I replied, "About 6 foot." Dr. B: "She is going to surpass you both!" That doesn't surprise me at all since she is wearing her 6 month outfits at 10 weeks old. Dr. B told me to not give Ellie anything solid to eat until he gives me the go-ahead. "She doesn't need it!" he said.
I have to apologize to you all. We had a great time at the Welfley's tree-trimming, but I forgot my camera. If we get back there before Christmas, I'll try to remember it to get you some pics.
Stay warm on this rainy/snowy/grey Monday
Video note: Okay, this may be a video for mothers and grandmothers only. Not too much excitement, but it may make you nostalgic for those early days... (You may want to turn up your computer volume. I'm whispering.)
Wow! I can't believe that it's been a whole week since I last posted. What a week!
Ellie had her first cold...poor little thing. She woke up with it on Monday and was pretty miserable for a while. She still has its remnants, but is definately on the mend. I got to know the green snot-sucker bulb that the hospital gave us quite well. Let's just say that I, for one, am quite glad that I've learned how to blow my own nose.
One blessed advancement: Ellie has now taken a pacifier (as you saw from the video). She has really fought it until now, but I'm glad we didn't give up. Some of you may be of the "anti-pacifier" clan...actually, I was of that clan until I had a baby with a VERY STRONG need to suck...but until now, there was really only one way to calm to her down. I kept telling Ellie, "I'm a food processor, not a pacifier," but she didn't seem to listen very well. Anyway, this is quite a relief, and during those times that I have meetings online, I'm sure it will prove very helpful.
It has been quite a challenging week. In addition to trying to make Ellie feel better, I put in my first "full" week of work. "Full" to me is now four days. I typically work Tuesday through Friday, so blogging may be a fun Monday activity. It's funny, I actually work seven hours a day, but it takes me about twelve to get them all in! I absolutely love what I'm doing. It's so different from teaching in a classroom, but a nice change almost ten years into my career. I'm learning so much, and the job's a real challenge.
Well, I'm off for now. Ellie is snoozing in her bouncy chair (another fabulous invention), and I'm going to ....hmm, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. What a fantastic feeling!
Love to all!
At about 8 o'clock this morning I heard cute little "waking-up" baby sounds coming from the bassinet. I went over and Ellie was wide-eyed. As soon as she saw me, her face burst into the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Could there be anything more wonderful in the world? Time and time again, I am bowled over by the immensity of emotion I feel for this little girl. There was a part of me that, until now, was not complete. Now my "heart sings."
Eliana will be one month old on Wednesday (Can you believe it?), and we went to see the doctor today. She is growing - quickly! She is up to 12 pounds and 22.25 inches. That puts her at the 97% for height and a "tad bit" overweight. The doctor says her weight will even out as she grows but that she is going to be tall! He says she looks beautiful. I tend to agree with him. :-)
We went to the mall for the first time today. I needed to buy some new jeans (sigh). The adventure started out peaceful enough, but by the end, all of Kohls knew we were there! :-) Wouldn't you know it, we met two friends that I haven't seen in quite some time (Hi Dawna and Carrie!), but Ellie was in full voice, so there was NO chatting going on. The sales lady still wanted me to sign my e-mail up with them, though. Um, thanks. Some other time when I can hear myself think. :-)
Well, I'm just about to do some online tutoring with Ellie sleeping on my lap. Let's hope she stays that way. Otherwise, it's Daddy Duty time!
Wow! I can't believe Eliana is a week and 3 days old already. The time has flown by. She is doing just great. She eats well and continues to only get up once during a 7 or 8 hour night. It feels wonderful to get some good sleep. She lost her umbilical cord yesterday, so soon we'll start regular baths. We'll see how she likes that! After the first sponge bath that Joe and I stumbled through, she has come to like them, so we'll see. Ellie's first doctor's appointment is Monday, and I'm anxious to see what kind of weight she has gained back. She had dropped from 9 lbs 4 oz at birth to 8 lbs. 7 oz at discharge.
I am feeling better daily. With the joy of Ellie, it's hard to remember that I did have surgery. I'm forcing myself to not do housework, and just relax as much as possible. My legs and feet are slowing getting smaller. Since I've come home, I have lost 16 pounds of water! That's great because when I arrived home from the hospital, I had actually GAINED weight by giving birth! How depressing is that?
Be sure to click on the slide show to the right. I keep adding photos!
Well, I know I could go on and on. This has truly been a miraculous year. I can only imagine what the next one will hold.
One of my favorite outfits. It reads, "My Heart Belongs to Daddy!"