We visited Tuscora again, and it's amazing what a difference a month makes. This time, Eliana was really into the swings! This was her first ride. I have a feeling that the park will be our second home this summer! Enjoy some photos from the evening...
I awoke this morning to glorious sunshine on my last day of work. Ellie and I will be headed to the porch for sure! I can't believe how quickly this school year has flown. Albeit, I did get started a bit late. Working for TDA has been wonderful--a true gift from God.
Eliana has really been growing and changing in the last two weeks. She can now feed herself small pieces of food as is evidenced by the video. She can also pull herself up to a steady sitting position from lying flat, and I'm pretty sure that by the end of the day today, she will be officially crawling. I'll be sure to let you know!
I had an absolutely wonderful first Mother's Day yesterday. Joe snapped this photo for me before we headed off to church. I realized that I don't have very many photos of Eliana and myself because I'm always behind the camera. Joe did a great job here, though! I think this may be my favorite photo of Eliana yet!
In just two short weeks, Eliana went from zero teeth to FOUR! That was a fun two weeks. If you want to check out her new pearly whites for yourself, take a look at our video. Since the teeth are pretty little, you'll want to click on the video to view it from YouTube at full screen size. Otherwise, you'll never see them. Also, you'll have to forgive the videography. I was recording and playing in her mouth at the same time.
(For posterity, the teeth came bottom right then left and top right then left.)
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