Monday, January 26, 2009
AWii Laugh

Sunday, January 18, 2009
At last!
I had the most incredible experience this week. Friday night I gave Ellie her bath, got her in her pjs,sang her a song, and fed her a bedtime snack. I sat her up to burp her and then leaned back to snuggle a bit before putting her down to sleep. She immedately put her head against my shoulder and just melted into me. All of a sudden, for the first time, I really felt like a mother - not like I was pretending to be one. What an incredible feeling! It was such an intense wave of emotion that I instantly had tears pouring down my cheeks. There was no tension, no frantic "I've got to get the baby to sleep" thoughts...just a sense of total peace between us that we belong together. In fact, I'm welling up right now just remembering what it was like. In all my deepest dreams and longings for a child, I could never have imagined that it would be like this, and I am so grateful.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Recouping and Back to Work
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
2.5 minutes of squealing!
Happy New Year, everyone! Our's is getting off to a bit of a bumpy start. Ellie came down with a cold yesterday. This one is accompanied by her first fever. It was about 100.4 yesterday. After a rough night and a couple doses of Tylenol, it was down to 99.8 this morning - not too bad in Babyland, I'm told. I felt bad yesterday because Lisa and the girls came down for a visit, and Ellie was pretty whiny all day. By the time they left she started to feel warm to me and had a drippy nose. By 6 p.m., full blown cold. Hopefully, the next visit will be more fun.
Although Ellie greeted me with a smile this morning, she's definately not her normal chipper self. I promised her a day of comfy clothes and cuddles. Right now she's sitting in my lap knawing on my wrist.
I had to share the above video with you. It was taken about an hour after Ellie's first dose of Tylenol and she was feeling a bit better.