Monday, December 28, 2009
New Home Photos
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Keys Tomorrow
Monday, November 23, 2009
New House
Holy Molars!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fall Foliage Fun
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Fall Photos 09 |
Double click the slide show to open it in a new window. Otherwise, all the photos you are seeing below are cropped a bit, and I'm sure you want to see every pixel of Ellie!
Friday, October 16, 2009
First Steps

Thursday, September 24, 2009
I'm One! I'm One!

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Confession
Okay, if this blog is going to be a record of life at the Weaver Household, then it has to be accurate, right? So I have a confession...
About a month ago, I had a great idea for Ellie's first birthday present. I found out that Cabbage Patch Kids had released 25th Anniversary versions of their original dolls. Can you believe I had one of those originals? My mom tells me that for the Christmas CPKs were BIG, they ordered three dolls for me and received ONE just in time for the BIG day. :-) Cabbage the First ("Cabbage" is all I ever called her.), is still alive and well at Baba Helene's house , so when I learned of the new releases, I knew exactly what Ellie was getting for her birthday.
I poured over the cabbage patch for hours, flipping back and forth between adoption photos until I had made the very difficult decision of who would be joining our family. I placed our "order" and eagerly awaited her arrival. Finally, two weeks ago, she came. I could barely contain myself! Okay, here's the confession. I didn't contain myself. I looked at Joe and said, "I can't wait. Can we please wrap her up and give her to Ellie now?" Yes, it's the truth. One month BEFORE her birthday, Ellie got her present from us. But she was SO CUTE! Take a look at that photo! Even before she was removed from her box, Leatrice Marigold (Cabbage, as she is known) was loved. I have another photo of Ellie kissing her through the plastic. :-) Ellie gives her kisses and hugs and sleeps with her at night, and I couldn't be happier. Happy Birthday!
To keep our record accurate, I would be remiss not to mention that we spent Labor day morning (September 7) at the emergency room. Ellie woke up with a temperature of 104.3. I called our pediatrician who told us to take her in. She didn't have any other symptoms, and he wanted to check for a UTI. It was negative as was the chest x-ray, which, by the way, is absolutely TORTURE for an infant and her mother. We were told to give her Tylenol and Motrin to keep the fever down, be sure she had lots of fluids and bring her back if other symptoms developed. After about 36 hours she seemed fine. Who knows? Some kind of virus...
The only issue her illness has caused is a disruption of the beautiful sleep patterns we had finally developed. Gratefully, Ellie still goes to sleep easily, but since she was up several times for meds and nursing during those nights, she expects the Royal Treatment now during the wee hours. Tonight is the first night back to the routine of not getting her up out of the crib upon waking. She's not liking it. This post is being written between 11:30 p.m. and midnight as Ellie is crying. I've been going in every five minutes to reassure her, but not getting her up.... Ahhhh, she's asleep again. We went for about 20 minutes of real screaming. The last time I went in to hug her and put her back down, she whimpered and turned over, consigned to the fact that she wasn't going to get what she wanted. So it's a quick spell check for me and back to bed!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
End of Summer
Sweet Ellie and crazy Mama.
Get me out of here and feed me!
In Memory
Johnson, Vivian J.
On Friday, July 24, 2009, Vivian was caught up into the arms of her blessed Savior as she knelt at her bed praying. She served Jesus faithfully and with great passion ever since He came into her life when she was only 11 years old. Friday, she was a few days short of her 90th birthday. Her mind was still sharp, and she was in good health when Jesus took her. She had lived in supernatural, divine health since the day that God instantly healed her of terminal illness in the spring of 1976 at the Foursquare Gospel Church in Dennison. In all the years since that evening, she had never been to a doctor nor taken any medication, not even an aspirin. Her life was spent serving God and pouring herself out for her family. She had a powerful ministry of intercessory prayer, which changed the lives of many people. Now she has finished her course and the One she longed for and constantly talked about, Jesus, has rewarded her by taking her into His arms. Her joy is unimaginable.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mobility and Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Joe and I have joined a local gym and are loving it! I tell Ellie that I'm dropping off my fat and Daddy's picking up his muscles. They have childcare available and Ellie has come to love playing with the other kids. It's so good for her. When I went to get her today, there was another little girl her age and they were sitting on the floor with each other, toys all over the place, and they were touching each other's faces...too cute! I wish I had a camera. I've been taking Zumba and spinning classes. They are tough, especially the spinning, but I've lost about 9 pounds in the 5 weeks that we've been there. It feels great! Joe is looking pretty buff too, I must add.
I'm looking toward next school year already. I was offered either full or part-time, but I've decided to work 4 days a week for one more year. I just feel like I have waited so long for Ellie, that I want to spend as much time with her as possible. I will begin two weeks before classes start with a couple days each week to get prepared for the teachers to "arrive." I've come to the realization that I will need some help with Ellie in order to give the quality of work that I want to. It was much easier last year when she just laid around all day. :-) No more of that! So my job for the next month is to find some child-care providers who will come to our house to help me out. Please pray that God would lead me to the right person/people. It's not what I originally envisioned in my naivete, but it's so much better than going in to the school to work!
Well, I think that about catches you up with everything. I'll try to not let another month go by before I add another post...
Oh, I almost forgot, I've entered Ellie into a cute baby contest (I think she qualifies) at the request of her papa. So feel free to come by the contest and vote! To vote, click the dot along to top to show how cute you think Ellie is! Voting is open through July.,0,5306465,permalink.ugcphotogallery?u=weaverh
Friday, May 22, 2009
Swing, Baby Baby, Swing!

We visited Tuscora again, and it's amazing what a difference a month makes. This time, Eliana was really into the swings! This was her first ride. I have a feeling that the park will be our second home this summer! Enjoy some photos from the evening...
Last Day of Work
I awoke this morning to glorious sunshine on my last day of work. Ellie and I will be headed to the porch for sure! I can't believe how quickly this school year has flown. Albeit, I did get started a bit late. Working for TDA has been wonderful--a true gift from God.
Eliana has really been growing and changing in the last two weeks. She can now feed herself small pieces of food as is evidenced by the video. She can also pull herself up to a steady sitting position from lying flat, and I'm pretty sure that by the end of the day today, she will be officially crawling. I'll be sure to let you know!