Tuesday, October 28, 2008
It's Official...

Friday, October 24, 2008
Morning Glory
At about 8 o'clock this morning I heard cute little "waking-up" baby sounds coming from the bassinet. I went over and Ellie was wide-eyed. As soon as she saw me, her face burst into the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Could there be anything more wonderful in the world? Time and time again, I am bowled over by the immensity of emotion I feel for this little girl. There was a part of me that, until now, was not complete. Now my "heart sings."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Prayers for my OB
Monday, October 20, 2008
1 Month Ped. Appointment
Eliana will be one month old on Wednesday (Can you believe it?), and we went to see the doctor today. She is growing - quickly! She is up to 12 pounds and 22.25 inches. That puts her at the 97% for height and a "tad bit" overweight. The doctor says her weight will even out as she grows but that she is going to be tall! He says she looks beautiful. I tend to agree with him. :-)
We went to the mall for the first time today. I needed to buy some new jeans (sigh). The adventure started out peaceful enough, but by the end, all of Kohls knew we were there! :-) Wouldn't you know it, we met two friends that I haven't seen in quite some time (Hi Dawna and Carrie!), but Ellie was in full voice, so there was NO chatting going on. The sales lady still wanted me to sign my e-mail up with them, though. Um, thanks. Some other time when I can hear myself think. :-)
Well, I'm just about to do some online tutoring with Ellie sleeping on my lap. Let's hope she stays that way. Otherwise, it's Daddy Duty time!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Beat Like a Drum
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Trial and Prayer
Last night was a great example.
Eliana typically starts to get fussy in the evenings around 7 p.m. (common for many babies, I hear.) I can tell that she is tired and needs to go to sleep, but she really fights it for a while. Last night, she was especially so. Nothing seemed to help, poor little thing. At about 8:30 p.m. I decided to go put her down in her bassinet to see what would happen. WONDER OF WONDERS: in about 20 seconds she was sound asleep and didn't wake up until her midnight feed. How about that? I was actually keeping her awake trying to put her to sleep in my arms! Wouldn't you think that if I knew she was tired, I would have tried to put her to bed before that? :-) Now, putting her down might not work every night, but I'm sure going to give it a try from now on!
It's a little scary that it seems like parenthood is a lot of trial and error (or I should say, "Trial and prayer!")
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Job

Monday, October 13, 2008
It's Bath Time!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Back to Church

Wow! What a wonderful day we had. After being gone for two weeks, we made it back to church today. It felt so good to show off our little girl (Is that a bad thing?). The time of worship was just tremendous, and I loved watching Eliana during it. It was clear that she was in familiar surroundings. All during my pregnancy, she would be fairly still during music, and then just go crazy when it stopped - as if to say "More! I want more!" Today, she did just about the same thing. Even though she had been awake since 8 a.m., she was wide-eyed but calm during the entire song service. She got moving then when we finished. Too fun!
After church, we had lunch with Aunt Kerry and Uncle Michael, good friends of ours. It was so great to be with them again (Shout-out to you guys!). Ellie slept through the entire lunch. I think it was actually the first meal that I ate without interruption.
After lunch we made a trip up the hill to see Baba Helene. She didn't get much of a chance to love on Ellie at church since we were getting so much attention from everyone there.
From there, since we were out, we made a quick grocery stop and then headed home. All in all, it was a jam-packed day, but Ellie did great! I was exhausted! It was nice to come home and relax a while.
It is now 8:45 p.m. and Ellie just ate and fell asleep on my shoulder. Could it be? A 9:00 p.m. bed time? I've been shooting for that since we came home from the hospital! I'm almost too excited to hope it might happen.
Good night all!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I'm Free! I'm Free!

Monday, October 6, 2008
First Pediatrician Appointment

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Over a Week!
Wow! I can't believe Eliana is a week and 3 days old already. The time has flown by. She is doing just great. She eats well and continues to only get up once during a 7 or 8 hour night. It feels wonderful to get some good sleep. She lost her umbilical cord yesterday, so soon we'll start regular baths. We'll see how she likes that! After the first sponge bath that Joe and I stumbled through, she has come to like them, so we'll see. Ellie's first doctor's appointment is Monday, and I'm anxious to see what kind of weight she has gained back. She had dropped from 9 lbs 4 oz at birth to 8 lbs. 7 oz at discharge.
I am feeling better daily. With the joy of Ellie, it's hard to remember that I did have surgery. I'm forcing myself to not do housework, and just relax as much as possible. My legs and feet are slowing getting smaller. Since I've come home, I have lost 16 pounds of water! That's great because when I arrived home from the hospital, I had actually GAINED weight by giving birth! How depressing is that?
Be sure to click on the slide show to the right. I keep adding photos!